thanks for the feedback on your experience using the Corkscrew… good to know how it is working out for you!
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Putting the Retainer Band on after you have completed urinating will actually block the passage of urinate and prevent leakage.
yes we can add it to a custom size order no problem
Its actually works very well already just like that. No testing is required but if you want to try we can send you out an inner wear at the regular price if the idea sounds like it would work better for you than the snap buttons. Basically the extra set of snap button are attached in such a way that the the base band folds are held together and keeps the drawstring in place. However the snaps can not be used to make the ball band tighter. But in this case, the drawstring allows the band to be tightened in precisely the amount required to prevent retraction.
That a great idea to make a chart for the weight of all the different sizes. I will look into this and post something for you.
The D24 is about 1.25 lbs.
We can make a custom drawstring with smooth surface on both sides of the buttons. The buttons attached in this case are not snapped together but keeps the band folded and thereby holds the drawstring in place.
Welcome back Bigjuan!
Yeah I would just consider the silicone sleeves as the way to go.
I don’t use the snaps so for myself I don’t even bother to attach them. You have two option, first you can twist the ball band around so that the smooth sides of the buttons are in contact with the ball sack or use a box cutter to carefully trim the centre nib off and then pry the two sides apart to remove.
I mentioned resell as I do see offers for the same come up on the PE forums so I gather that guys do buy and resell such things. Personally I am in agreement with the “must be a typo” line of thinking posted above.
The vac hanging kit will be a complete kit for hanging weight. When you deal with 10-20 pounds it is for a limited period of time that requires complete and undivided attention. We will have a below the knee attachment that would be an accessory purchase for lighter tension to be worn under clothing for longer periods of time.
The Hydro pump is a work in progress. The cost will be not be cheap but the value will be exceptional. We do not want to perpetuate the high price/low value proposition that presently exists for PE products.
Right now we are focused on the Vac Hanger so the hydro pump will not be available till sometime next year. However, be prepared to sell anything you might purchase in the meantime as this will be the one to have.
Hey UmbralDragon,
thanks for taking the initiative on creating the G+ community.
It is a bit slow around here as were are still on limited beta testing of the forums at this point. We will not be actively making it available until we release the vac hanger and sleeves. At which point things will become a bit more dynamic around here.
The inner wear will not cause any alarm with metal detectors so no problem at all there. Scanners would not be a problem either imo as it would require extra sharp attention to detail in order to note anything unusual and being without any metal you would pass thru unmolested.
If you are apprehensive at all about the scanner then yes transporting in the luggage is the best way to go.
I wear a tighter size girth for the gym to maintain a secure fit under extreme movements such as deep squats.