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    Afternoon, all!

    I’m a brand new customer living in Tennessee.  I got my Innerwear last week and am so impressed, I ordered the Corkscrew, Sabre Skin and some additional Premium Sleeves over the weekend.



    Stealth Man

    Welcome aboard Gherron!



    Welcome to you, Gherron!
    …sounds like we are both experiencing some fine sensations with excellent products by Stealth.


    Christian Taylor

    Welcome Gherron! We are all here to support you.



    Hey guys, I’m from Tennessee, I’m on my third stealth and I enjoy the wear and my wife likes them too! The bulge it gives is fantastic! I’m considering the corkscrew for nighttime wear but haven’t taken the plunge yet…kinda waiting to see what this vac hang is gonna be…I’m still new to PE, only jelq in the shower and wear the innerwear…I occasionally dry pump but considering the bath mate. Well, it’s good to be here and welcomed!



    Hey, Guy from Tennessee,

    Welcome to Stealth for Men.

    Watch who you get your Bathmate (if you do) from.  The main site has three URLs for the “official” site.  They have terrible customer support.  Bathpump dot com is the best site.  I bought mine from the latter.  I confused it and the main site and had a problem I directed to the main site.  It took three emails to get a response from them that told me I didn’t buy it from them (and I could take a flying leap–my thought about it).  I blasted them on the PEGym web site, got an immediate response from their rep and my problem was quickly resolved.  Stealth for Men (I assume it’s Stealthman) has a rep on PEGym for support as well.  Stealthman has been a big help here and there.



    Hey kenj, thanks for the reply and the good info! I’m looking into them but I just wonder how the vac hang is gonna do. I read a few reviews of the PF and this guy that wasNt endorsed by them wore it a year, gained 2” in the first 6 month, and had nothing but praise for it so if the VH is gonna be better than that, I’ll be getting in line ASAP!


    Stealth Man

    Hey Switch… welcome!

    The Stealth Vac-Hanger is the most advanced design and versatile device in its category by a long stretch ;). Once you see the actual device you will know instantly what I mean. Unfortunately, we are unable to release any pics at this point as the novelty of the device will lost if exposed to the public domain and our patent applications rejected. We are currently waiting for the travel ban to be lifted so I can get back to the factory to handle the production and final details of the kit assembly in person.

    All the best!


    Christian Taylor

    Hey Kenj,  will a bathpump work in a shower? I live in Cambodia and bathtubs aren’t very common here. Our house has one tub, but it’s in my kids room. Would really rather not do it in there. Lol.



    Christian, the Bathmate works well in the shower where I use when I use it.  The warm shower beginning prepares penis for the Bathmate.  Fill the Bathmate with hot to warm water (I don’t know how hot your water gets) and insert your penis into it.  Then, follow instructions.  I love mine and it makes me very thick for a while after pumping.  I’m working to make that permanent.

    I hope that helps.



    Christian, go to to the Bathmate forum or get your Bathmate from  The “official” site has terrible customer service should you need it.


    Christian Taylor

    Hey gang. I’m seeing “urethral sounds” on sale on different sites. What are these tbings amd do i want them?



    Greetings from San Francisco.

    Just got my innerwear 2 days ago. Put it on immediately and kept it on for 12 hours. Same yesterday and doing the same today. Am encouraged by all the  replies  in this thread and looking forward to penis growth.

    If anyone using Stealthwear in the Bay area, lets meet or talk.

    Tom  ([email protected])


    Stealth Man

    Welcome aboard SnK…

    Glad to hear you nailed the fit bang on!




    Hi my name is Zak,

    I am new to this and I hope it fixes my turtling issue. I bought the innerwear C26 and I hope it fits well.

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