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Hi Zak,
Welcome, Stealth was originally designed to prevent turtling with the psychological benefits of enhanced sensation of size. When fitted properly you will have the comfort and convenience to wear 24/7. However, Penis Enlargement enthusiasts also like to wear for remaining extended during the recovery period between sessions for cementing gains.
all the best!
I’m new to Stealth. I bought my Stealth and am waiting for delivery. I live in British Columbia, BC. I am hoping to Stealth can help me with ED.
It’s a great product line. I’m hoping it helps you. Keep me posted on how it works for you.
Hi Guys!
I’m Mickey. I’m new to this whole thing and found Stealth by complete accident while searching for something mostly unrelated. What got my attention was the notion of retraining one’s member to not turtle, which is something that drives me absolutely crazy and I had previously been spending too much time either adjusting every time I stood up or sat down, or simply being uncomfortable.
My original order (strapless Innerwear for comfort and simplicity) was delayed slightly because they were temporarily out of stock in my size. That ended up being lucky for me in retrospect because it gave me a chance to make sure my numbers were right, and Bruce helped me determine my measurements were correct. Once I began wearing the Innerwear, Bruce helped me sort out my experiences so I knew what I was doing right, and what I need to be aware of, and also (thankfully) talked me out of a few ideas I had that would not have been helpful. I asked him a lot of questions. I mean, really, a lot. Everyone who reads this need to know what a tremendous help Bruce has been, and how much I appreciate it. He’s the reason the beginning of my journey with Stealth has gone as smoothly as it has. (I’ll probably have more questions, sooner or later. I’m like that.) As I write this, I am on my fifth straight day of comfortably wearing the Innerwear, and loving how it feels. I wear it about 12 hours per day (or maybe a little more if it’s a long day), and then take it off before going to bed. It’s back on after my shower in the morning. I have only had to adjust myself a handful of times since I started with the Innerwear this week, and I have no more, as in zero, turtling!
I’ve been reading the forums to educate myself as much as possible, so that I may be able to avoid asking a question (or a variation of one) that’s already been asked. By nature, I am very curious, and look forward to exploring the many possibilities that seem possible with the products in the Stealth arsenal.
From my reading, I think the next thing I will add on top of the Innerwear after it’s broken in (maybe in about a month) will be the thinner double-length sleeve folded over that I use to slide the Innerwear on in the mornings, and possibly a retainer band or bands (I might need help with getting the sizes right on the retainer bands-my preliminary reading seems to indicate I should have two different sizes?). I tried this out for the first time today out of curiosity (the double-length sleeve folded over), and found (1) wow that really feels good, (2) I like that look, and (3) wow, that sure is tight… I had better wait until I loosen the Innerwear up a bit more through use before wearing this configuration for any length of time.
I think I am in the process of, or have mentally integrated the Innerwear into my routine already and might be a future Stealth enthusiast of the sort that can count on one hand how many times I would have left home without it. (After five days, I feel like it’s part of me. How does that even happen? I have no complaints, though.) It’s been an internal confidence boost that I am still processing, and I feel like it will stick with me, plus for me it’s fun to wear, and I’m highly curious if in addition to already succeeding in (so far) eliminating turtling, that I may also get a boost in my flaccid length and/or girth as well. It’s another experiment for me to dig into, which is fun from my perspective. I also love to learn.
I know essentially nothing about penis enlargement, and as this isn’t my primary goal using Stealth products (being comfortable/no more turtling is my primary goal), but I may eventually want to learn some basics so that I can understand some of the threads in the forum (if you’re reading this and know a good primer on the topic that I can read or watch, please let me know).
I look forward hearing and learning from you.
Thanks for reading!
Hi Mickey, thanks for the excellent post.
… and sorry for my late reply.
After an intensive three months at the factory in China wrapping up completion of the new Vac-Hanger Kits… I got Covid on the last day or while in transit because I had tested negative the day before leaving. Basically, I have been off-line the last four days with a hella massive vice like grip of a headache.
In any case, I am starting to feel better now so…
Much if not everything you say resonates with respect to the constant adjusting after sitting and just the uncomfortable sensation of getting stuck up due to excess retraction and the associated psychological discomfort.
Well, that was the driving force behind the development of the innerwear which in all honesty I wish I had discovered much earlier in my life as it would have derailed much of the mental conditioning aka “complex” that was built around this negative experience.
With respect to the combinations of components that are to be worn, as you suggest… this is dependent on numerous factors that need to be experienced and explored to find the optimum set up depending on individual situation and circumstances.
Hence, it is a personal journey that requires a level of self awareness with regards to not only the mechanics of wearing the devices but also the sensations as a form of feedback from the body.
With over 10 years experience I’m still finding new and unique combinations that I enjoy to wear.
Lately, I’m have been enjoying to wear the Sabre Skin with the Retainer Band on top directly behind the glans with a 1″ fold of excess SS at the base… along with the Ball Straps.
In the months previous to this I was wearing the premium sleeves in a similar manner with a few folds of the PS flipped around the retainer band behind the glans.
I enjoy the novel sensations of new and unique set ups so I am always exploring and also getting helpful feedback from other users as well on the different combinations that they are experimenting with.
There was a time, for several years in fact, when I also “would not leave home without it” and I’ve heard this same comment several times from other users over the years.
Once we launch the Vac-Hanger Pro I think we will see more discussion on “penis enlargement” as it will attract the hard-core PE enthusiasts. Till now, with the innerwear and even the corkscrew which are both non-traditional PE devices… we have been somewhat marginalized on that scene to some extent.
No matter, Stealth has always brings innovation to the table so it’s going to be a very interesting launch once people realize how advanced our “traditional” PE systems are… and we have a complete line up in the works too.
It is an exciting time now that all the hard work has finally come to a point of fruition and we will soon be able to share what has been held in secret for so long.
Thanks again for your thoughtful post… I really appreciate it.
Hey guys, I’m not exactly new here, but it’s been quite a while since I’ve dropped in. I see SM has dropped the new Vac-Hanger. Looks interesting, but a bit spendy for me, for now. Anything new lately? 🙂
Keeping it short for now. Catch you all later. 🙂
Good to see you again UD,
The cost for quality product doesn’t come cheap. We are also taking a big hit shipping international with some unexpected surcharges up to and over $250 which we simply had to eat for our customers.
The cost of operating a business includes the school of hard knocks specially when developing new products where numerous avenues leading to dead ends must be explored to find the optimum path to completion.
We spent well over 200k and 5 years of intensive development to bring this baby to market… so the returns are still not in our favour.
No problem, we are almost ready for the new compression hanger with the production moulds already made which now only require a few final tweaks to sort out…. besides the ultrasonic welding equipment we need for assembly.
Then we have to complete the case and foam design before production with instructions and patents applications to submit.
However, this has “only” been a three year project with much less capital involved so the price will be considerably lower that the Vac-Hanger… mind you it is no less innovative or lacking stellar aesthetics.
The new spring extender is still in the design stage… but wow.
Everything we earn goes back into new product development so when you make a purchase with us you are in effect supporting innovate tool creation that will make your PE journey more exciting and enjoyable with real results in the future.
Really excited to have found this. I have high hopes it helps with my turtling not to mention the other added benefits increasing self confidence. I have placed my initial order for the Innerwear today. Thanks!
im Dicky or Dickie… I forgot how I spelled it. My story is simple kinda. I always turtled some. I was always shy at the urinals. A year ago (I’m 47) my gallbladder fell apart literally. I was hospitalized for seven days and nearly died at one point. I was horrified when I realized I had a catheter. When the nurse finally pulled it out my penis decided to run away and hide. He looked sympathetic when he was cleaning it and I wanted to hide too. I just knew he was hung like a horse and if I had felt better I would have died from embarrassment. After the catheter I had two sponge baths one from a guy and one from a gal. Naturally both were young and attractive. The sensation of having a stranger have to pull my dick to clean it fully was too much. I couldn’t even decide which made me feel worse having a man or a woman do that. After the surgery my dick seemed to stay turtled. When I found stealth I ran to order the strapless inner wear. I read to get that if you have big balls. My balls are huge which makes my dick look even smaller. Since then I’ve gotten the regular inner wear. I love having the strap, makes my bulge look insane. Since using this stuff my dick is firmer and longer when I’m not wearing anything. And Bruce is the man. He helped me and answered so many questions. He’s the best. I’m still new to it all oh but I love walking around with the corkscrew hanging down. Finally my dick hangs as low as my balls.
anyway hi everyone !
New to the site, but have been pumping for a while now and also started wearing one of my penis sleeves, the ‘ouch’ kind….lol, its the silicon type. I have on order the Stealth, its Sunday now,,,,in my town post office….I’m sure this Monday June 3rd 2024 I should have it.
For now I am wearing the silicon type as seen in the picture. Once I get the STEALTH one on, I will post another picture of that too.
I have 1 question I wear shorts alot can you use the ADS belt system on your thigh and waist?
Hello all. I am trying to figure out what will work best. My penis retracts and turtles at times, so annoying. Happy with my erect size but not so much flaccid. Also lost a lot of weight so I have loose skin and a fat pad which doesn’t help. Does these products work with well usage? Also going to get a ball strap as mine retract with tight skin, I’ve tried surgical weights which help only temporary but eventually goes back to the normal state.. depending on temperature it does stay out at times but I also can feel the pulling inward when it retracts. Anyone else experience this issue? Thanks in advance, I would just love to have a natural hanging penis. Even thought about surgical options like getting the ligaments cut to stop retraction but want that to be last effort. Any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks guys!
Hi, I live in South Korea, a small cock country. I’ve mostly done extender and pump and tried jelq or Ads or hangings. But it didn’t work much. Even though I’m not very good at English, I kept exploring things and ended up here. And I ordered innerwear and corkscrew from stealth. The product hasn’t arrived yet, but I also learned about pennisprofessor by reading the posts on the forum. Actually, I gave up trying jelq because there were several inconveniences, but I’m paying just in case and learning the writing and video slowly. Anyway, I’m still not sure about penis enlargement, and I’m a little confused.. Everything about me, money shortage, obesity, no women, including a small cock, seems to frustrate me. lol
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