I had suggested a vacuum pump device that would be small enough to sleep with it on and it would provide several cycles each night of suction.
Just received my Vac Hanger, prior to purchasing I ordered an innerwear and was sent a B28 going by the size I entered in the app. In the past a B28 was too small and was unable to wear it. I ended up removing the silicone band that’s molded into the end in order to put it on and had to go up to a 32 to be able to wear the product comfortably. I would use the B28 band to secure the 32. A 26 band might be even better. Any bending or squatting would cause the innerwear to fall off. I used the same measurement for the vac hanger and got sizes 26 to 30 in the kit. 26 is impossible, 28 is extremely difficult to get setup. Not sure it’s even sealing . To get the cap on requires lots of twisting , it does not slip on as shown in the videos. Will now try the 30. There is absolutely no way I will use that tape that came with the kit. Tried following the double H tape procedure and found it very painful to remove. Now I will try using one of the innerwear sleeves from an innerwear order rather than tape to protect the gland. A very flexible cap might be even better. I think being able to order a set of sizing rings prior to placing an order for low price might be beneficial. Also rather than the weight straps I would prefer that the belt system is part of the kit.
There is a device out there for guys that have ED. It holds the penis in a stretched-out position during sex. It has a ring at both ends, the one at the tip spreads open to allow you to slip the head through. You then attached the base ring and slide the front ring locking device forward, closing the front ring tightly just in back of the head (Don’t know if it actually works, not willing to throw out $250 to $300 dollars and end up with my penis pulling back through the front ring.) I was wondering if Stealth had any products on the Cad system that would be similar. After having robotic surgery to remove the prostate I ended up with nerve damage and one of the side effects is low blood flow into the penis and super retraction. Getting a device such as yours to fit has always been an issue because of the complications that happened during surgery. I need a small diameter sleeve to keep the head from retracting through the innerwear or silicone sleeve. But the small diameter required to keep this from happening makes it almost impossible to put on . I had to scrape off the silicone ring on my first order to allow me to wear the inner wear so I went up a size or two which works for a little while until the retraction starts winning the battle. The bigger size innerwear means a bigger band that comes with the order. That is of little help. I always used the smaller band (28) to try and keep things in place. I tried the Sabre Skin and managed to get it to stretch over the tip but once again the retraction will start to win the battle. I would try wearing the devices at work where I spent most of my time on my feet. Some of the issues I would have would come when I needed to use the bathroom. taking everything off could be difficult and sometimes everything had fallen through. Not sure how it happened but one time the innerwear fell off and somehow was lost. It would have been great to wear something that provided traction for 5 or 6 hours, but I would think a corkscrew would be too noticeable and if that ever fell off, well I would have had to quit my job. What we need is traction, easy on and off and not bulky. I was planning on stretching prior to having a prosthetic implanted and was using your Stealth devices as often as possible. Something less bulky to provide traction would be amazing and if it could be used for sex even better.
My first size was an A24 Finding the correct size is not easy . This inner wear was too tight , was never able to get it on , and ended up removing the silicone end ring . The strap is also way too tight and the snaps dig in ( maybe an option of snap/no snap . I have never used the snaps or maybe make the loop one size with snaps to adjust the size, just a though. I then ordered an A28 . This was better, I was able to get it on but the A28 band was too loose and had issue using the facilities. I next ordered a A30 , the fit was more comfortable but the head ring was too big and I would slip out of the device . My last order was a B28 . I thought the length would help stretch me all day but the fit was way to tight and its very difficult to get on . I don’t understand why its not the same size as the A28 in girth , it fit more like the A24. What I end up using is the A28 with the A24 band . Even a smaller band would help from slipping though and I always remove the band when using the facilities . I probably have more issues than most here because I am post prostate cancer surgery .
I have experienced the same thing , I just take extra time when I use the bathroom . I have tried three different sizes , and the smallest size was my first . I had great difficulty with that unit , I bumped up a size . It was better , I tried the next size up and didn’t see any change . I also think it did not help that I had prostate cancer and ended up with robotic surgery . You will lose some control after this procedure .
So you would say that its helped with girth and length They don’t tell you that prostate surgery will cause loss of length , besides other side effects and I am hoping to restore what was lost prior to agreeing to a implant device . How long would you say it took to make these gains Tekcon.
How heavy is the corkscrew , ball park figure.