Any new projects?

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    Christian Taylor

    So how and when can I get my hands… or schmechie on this new product? How much will it cost and how will it work?



    Thanks Stealth Man. That helps me make my purchase. Given the nature of the product, something doesn’t sit right with me trying to “re-sell” it. 🙂 Look forward to the Stealth branded hydro pump next year.

    I don’t do any vac hanging, but given the success I’ve had with the inner sleeves and corkscrew i’m willing to give it a shot when released.



    Hey guys, I think Tekcon has a point about reselling a penis extension device. I’m not too sure how a ‘slightly used’ device of that nature would sell. Although it’d be fun to see if it would. That said, I hope the original user at least sterilizes it prior to sale. (But, to be honest, I’d never buy anything used, of that nature.)

    I’m interested in the vac hanger, but I’m hoping it won’t require the use of weights, I’d rather do something like what some others are doing and loop it around me (or perhaps run a length of line or a strap down one or both legs, to the knees, for tension,) so that I can wear it all day, and not have to worry much about it. I can only imagine trying to walk around with 10-20 pounds of weight hanging onto my penis. Although I’m sure push-ups would take on a new level of challenge. 🙂

    The only way to do push-ups?

    The hydro pump sounds intriguing, as I’ve read that water pumping is supposed to be easier on the skin, and the penis as a whole, so I’ll be looking forward to that one.

    That said, I’ve been trying out water with the air pump that I have, and it does seem to work reasonably well (It’s a squeeze bulb type, so that’s pretty easy to use with either air or water.) Although I do have to more or less ‘hang out’ near the tub/shower, even though I’m careful to not let it leak anywhere. I’m sure the hydro pump will be much more suitable for such endeavors, though. I just hope it is significantly less expensive than the Bathmate and other similar items.

    Anyhoo guys, happy Stealthing, Pumping, (Vac) Hanging, and whatever other PE that you do. 🙂


    Christian Taylor

    I’m assuming “re-sell” was a typo, guys. Considering the weird crap my auto correct comes up with. Lol.


    Stealth Man

    I mentioned resell as I do see offers for the same come up on the PE forums so I gather that guys do buy and resell such things. Personally I am in agreement with the “must be a typo” line of thinking posted above.

    The vac hanging kit will be a complete kit for hanging weight. When you deal with 10-20 pounds it is for a limited period of time that requires complete and undivided attention. We will have a below the knee attachment that would be an accessory purchase for lighter tension to be worn under clothing for longer periods of time.

    The Hydro pump is a work in progress. The cost will be not be cheap but the value will be exceptional. We do not want to perpetuate the high price/low value proposition that presently exists for PE products.



    Hey Stealth Man,

    Regarding the vac hanging kit, I’d probably buy it just for the knee mod, and maybe eventually work up to ‘free-hanging’ with some weights — although I’d have to be very confident that it wouldn’t harm me, but given your track record so far with the Stealth, I doubt that that will be a problem.

    Regarding the hydro pump, I’m hoping the price isn’t too high, or it might be one of those ‘nice-to-have’ items that I can’t reasonably afford. I know you’re going for quality, and I would too. But at the same time, there’s a price I won’t go beyond as far as this stuff is concerned. I’m not a PE junkie, I’m a tinkerer, and love to try things out and see how they work. But, that said, I do hope to see some gains from using these kinds of products.

    Anyhoo, once the items are available (for testing, or on the market; although, as you guys know, I’d love to beta test everything,) you can expect me to do what I can to understand them, how they’re used, and the best ways to take advantage of their functionality, and then make that information available to the guys here and on the G+ community that I created (there will probably be videos, if I feel it’s appropriate.) I want to help wherever I can, and hope to be able to use the products that you guys at Stealth create, to do it.

    Thanks, and happy Stealthing, in all its forms 🙂



    Any updates on a timeline for new products


    Stealth Man

    The Extension Sleeve will be made available as a direct purchase on the site itself. We will also be making the new TPE rubber sleeve available in specific girths which are then cut to size lengthwise as the user requires.

    We are very happy with the fabric sheath, spandex and the TPE sleeve over top. Of course the sleeve can also be used with the with ball band version as well.

    Next in line is the Vac Hanger which looks to be still another 4-5 months away. Everything is coming together very nicely but still requires time to move thru all the refinements necessary to make a complete kit that will out perform everything else on the market.

    The Pump is on the back burner for now as we focus on getting the above mentioned products completed. Realistically the pump would be launched sometime late next year.



    Hiya Stealthman,

    Checking in to see when we can expect to see the Extension Sleeve and TPE Sleeve will be available for ordering on the site. From your last post it sounded like these were incoming soon.


    John Graves

    Any news/updates on the Vac hanger?


    Stealth Man

    Work in progress… its a comprehensive kit with all original components and accessories. Need to take time and care to make sure it comes together flawlessly.


    John Graves

    Awesome!! Can’t wait to see the new product!!



    Will the hydro pump be similar to the bathmate?. If so, cost comparisons would be a major thing, and with personal use, i would suggest a hand pump at the end and a better sealing design at the base. The comfort peice bathmate offers is a hard cylinder with a poor seal, i dont bother with it as it allows air inside. And to those looking for a thicker package, Get it maxed as an erection before water pumping, 4 to 5 mins at this pressure then release, do some jelqing softly as it may be tender. Max 15mins in a day. I did upgrade from reg condoms to magnums. So it does work. I hope the best with a stealth product as well.


    Christian Taylor

    Hey there. I was thinking of buying a Bathmate but I figure I’ll wait until your product is ready!


    Stealth Man

    >>Will the hydro pump be similar to the bathmate?<<

    No not at all, the bathmate is a dated relic more suitable as a museum piece. The advanced Stealth design has been completed with the working prototype tested but there still needs to be a lot of refinement to integrate the parts into a seamless unit for production. The design refinement phase will require a solid year of dedicated work to sort out before it is ready for market.

    The Vac Hanger has become a much more involved than originally anticipated. It was not possible to carry on with both projects at the same time so we shelved the pump until we can get the Vac Hanger finished… expected release late spring/early summer.

    Meanwhile, we have completed the Stealth TPE Sabre Skin™ and expect the production samples to arrive for approval in the next few days. The bubble pack and foam insert are ready with card board back/instructions for us to start making the moulds to heat seal the pack. These are available on request (limited quantity) for those who want them before the official launch which will not happen for another couple of weeks at least.

    We also have the Stealth MagVolt™. This device has three powerful magnets, two at the top for conveniently taking it on and off with the third larger equivalent at the bottom. These are plated with your choice of silver or copper (gold in one of the pics) which reacts with the zinc beads on either side to create a mild electrical current measurable up to .9 volts. The electro magnetic field stimulates metabolic function for accelerated healing and increased testosterone levels with zinc supplementation as well. I can personally vouch that wearing this device overnight produces tremendous “wood” in the morning i.e. truly rock solid erections. What you see in the pics are prototypes not the finished units for sale.

    We always want to keep our prices lower than existing products in the market. However, we also use the highest quality materials and components possible… for example Stainless Steel rather than Nickel coated steel which could be substituted at half the price. The reality is we need to keep the prices in line with the quality we produce but we also guarantee that the value will always be much higher with us than competing brands.

    Some pics…

    bubble pack

    foam insert


    Sabre Skin™


    MagVolt™ 2

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