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Stealth Man

The Vac-Hanger TPE glans cap could be used as you describe.

The current Mag-Volt is not offered for sale on the website as it has some issues with the clasping magnets chipping. We have a new design in the works which is currently on hold until I can get back to the factory to finalize some details and clarify the assembly process.

The Vac-Hanger design is more along the lines of the Phallosan Forte with several new features that make it much more effective and versatile.

Although the Sabre Skin was designed to be worn over top of the Innerwear with the fabric underlay for wicking away the moisture. However, you can wear the Sabre Skin on its own but you should keep an eye on said moisture and any effects it may be having on the skin. You will need to wash regularly under warm water with mild soap and wear for less duration ie. 24/7 is not a good idea which, of course, is totally fine with the Innerwear.

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