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After a bit more testing, it seems to be the fabric that is scrunching. Thankfully the scrunching has not negatively affected the ring’s ability to hold the glans in place. And as long as I’m wearing it right – no slippage or pain!

A couple of weeks now with this custom unit and all has been great. It’s a pain to get on sometimes but I’ve managed to wear the ES/premium sleeve/double length sleeve and the 30 and 26 retainers (base and glans, respectively) all day at work and I can just go about my day and forget I have it on. I’ll remove it for exercise and then at home, the premium sleeve and double length sleeve and the retainer bands are plenty to keep full length and engorgement even through the night. I’ll be wearing it 24/7 soon with a day here and there as rest, usually on the weekend. I’m just now realizing I haven’t tried the corkscrew with the newly-fitted sheath…I couldn’t get it to work before without the whole apparatus slipping off sheath and all, but now I should give it another shot.

I gave working out with the extension sheath another go and had no issues. Actually, even in workout/athletic boxer briefs, I still found I was flopping around on my run! In this case, I had to dress left or right towards the thigh. I haven’t figured out yet how to wear the sheath and point straight down in boxer briefs without the very top of the glans ridge beginning to retreat into the ring, creating a slight “v” shape at the coronal ridge, which eventually causes discomfort. I’ve tried retainer band on and behind the ring to prevent this but I still can’t rest pointed downward in anything but boxers or commando without that happening. Any tips there are appreciated!

I’ve had an interesting look or two, which was entertaining. However I workout at a local Y and there are lots of kids around all the time and I think it’s best to probably forgo the sheath until I change my workout venue.

I’ve only had one or two instances so far of seeing other people notice the extra bulge but I’m hoping it becomes more common, at least for a while – it’s a great confidence boost and really entertaining for sure! Honestly – I was thinking the other day  I might accidentally piss off some soccer mom or parent some day with my “obvious erection” from dressing left/right and occasionally wearing tight-ish jeans or thin athletic shorts. Not sure if I would just tell someone who decided to comment to F off and mind their business or if it’s a legit concern that could get me into trouble. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

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