Innerwear Issues

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    Sometimes my innerwear fall off. when doing exercises. Is there something I can do about this. Or do i need to buy again. When doing nothing or sleeping it still stays on.


    Picture under its about the same length My innerwear gets.



    Squats and bending forward creates a stronger retraction of the penis.  That’s probably when your head is slipping back inside the sleeve.  It looks like you may need a smaller silicone ring during those activities.  I ended up getting a custom order with a size 22 ring and a size 30 sleeve.

    I think you should definitely send a message to customer support and get Bruce’s opinion.  He has been very helpful for me.  I bet he could give you a good idea of how many sizes to change the ring based upon your pic.

    Hope that helps!




    Thank you for you reply,

    Size 22 do u mean F22, (or the retainer band) I have the F26,  When I Did measure before buying the innerwear around 10 times, and all the time it comes on the F26 for girt. I dont know If i need a F22 or the F24.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by cloudstrife1.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by cloudstrife1.


    If I use the sleeve and fold it, and use the retainer band over the glans it stays in place right now afther working out. but the innerwear goes a little over the glans not behind it I dont know it then not working



    The letters refer to the length and numbers to the girth.

    I also wear an F26, but there is no room for my head to retract or to gather that much extra fabric.  Even with an girth 28, which I also have for after workouts, I could never gather that much around the silicone ring.

    It can be hard to adequately measure because often just touching yourself to get the measurement can cause a small amount of plumping.  I know I originally ordered a C30 and had lots of issues until I realized I needed one that was both longer and thinner.

    The picture certainly looks like you would need a smaller girth, at the very least for the silicone portion of the innerwear.  I would email the support email back and ask for Stealthman, he will help get you sorted.



    This tread can be closed. The problem is solved Been helped by e-mail.

    Thank you for it. And good support.


    Stealth Man

    Good to hear your issue has been successfully resolved CS1

    We can leave the thread up for reference if others experience a similar problem.

    Just to clarify. The Retainer Bands are available in all 12 girths 18 thru 40 and have no bearing on the length as the same applies to all.

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