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    I’ve bought two stealth sleeves without the corkscrew and now I want to give it a try. Is there anyway to order it separate? By the way I love the stealth I wear it all the time when I’m not doing PE. I feel naked without it on.


    Stealth for Men

    Hello Herndog77,

    Glad to hear you’re enjoying your Innerwear.

    Yes, you can purchase the Corkscrew separately. Simply send [email protected] an email. Let us know what size and we’ll set up a payment page for you.

    Thank you,
    Stealth for Men
    Customer Service


    Christopher WA

    I’ve ordered 2 sets with the corkscrew but the corkscrew is large for me. How do you recommend i size this correctly?  The ones that came with my last two sleeves were both too large. How many corkscrew sizes do you have?



    Stealth Man


    The Corkscrews are all sized to match the Inner wear. As we have 99 sizes of Innerwear we also have 99 sizes of Corkscrew.

    The Corkscrew actually has more latitude for sizing that the Innerwear. For a smaller lighter version that is easier to put on and conceal under clothing you can shorten it by cutting off one coil at a time with a box cutter till you find your preferred size. The kit comes with a PVC end cap to seal the wire.

    I personally prefer mine two coils less than full size.

    Of course the girth itself is easily adjusted by screwing or unscrewing the coils. If the size is very far off you can use a suitably sized cylinder to act as the forming tube.

    You should have no problem to get a good fit with what you have now.

    Let me know if you need any further assistance.



    Stealth Man,

    I ordered my first Inner Wear about a month ago and it is a great product. About 2 weeks ago I ordered another Inner Wear with a Corkscrew. After trying the Corkscrew a day or two I’ve cut 2 coils off and found the fit and comfort to be perfect.

    Here is my question: What is a good training schedule for wearing the Corkscrew. I’ve looked through your website and don’t see any suggestions. What I’ve done is started wearing it the first week for 1-2 hours 3 days. This week I’m wearing it for 4 days and keeping it on 2-3 hours each day. Next week I plan to wear it 5 days for 3-4 hours.

    Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.



    Christian Taylor

    I have it as well and have a hard time figuring out how to use it. I’m a visual learner and the videos suck. If anyone had come up with or found better videos ease message them to me. Thanks.



    Received my corkscrew yesterday and starting to add it into my routine. Definitely takes some getting used to in both putting it on and wearing it. But I’ve got to say I like it so far. It’s like a hybrid of an extender and a weight.

    I do like that the device itself can be used with different sized inner wear (i ordered mine with my initial order, and i ended up getting an inner wear size too small). I’m now using a correct size, and the corkscrew appears to work just fine with it.

    Will see how it works with daily activities and such.


    Stealth Man


    With a bit of practice you will be able to manage the few steps in the sequence required to first get it on, then tighten the coils to wear, remove and reform the distorted coils after use in preparation for the next time you want to wear.

    You can also experiment with screwing the Corkscrew into place without the using the spandex sleeves to thread the coil onto the shaft of the penis.

    The Corkscrew also comes at maximum length so if you feel you would prefer a lighter smaller profile that is easier to manage and conceal you might want to consider removing one coil at a time to find your preferred length. This will be much better if you plan on outings while wearing it.

    Use a box cutter to trim and the PVC end cap to seal the wire.

    For your reference I have attached a pic of the D24 with two coils removed.







    Thanks for the info Stealth Man. It is getting easier to wear. I’m quite happy with the device. I have found (and a problem I have with traditional extenders) that I develop a small sore spot behind the top of my glands while wearing the corkscrew (think mild rug-burn). I have found that using a small bit of athletic tape that has about 1/16″ padding dramatically reduces this.


    Stealth Man

    Thanks for the tip using athletic tape Tekcon.

    You can also try tightening coils along the entire shaft or focus on different sections of the shaft to help distribute the grip load.



    How heavy is the corkscrew , ball park figure.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by 27rbspider. Reason: Don't want my full name on there how can I delete that post


    I imagine the corkscrew will vary from size to size, I’ve got a D24 corkscrew and I’d say it’s ~1.5-2 lbs. I’ve gotten to the point I’ve outgrown it and need to order a  E26 corkscrew, so i’m looking forward to the extra size/weight.

    If Stealth Man could provide a chart of size/weight for corkscrews that would be awesome 🙂


    Stealth Man


    That a great idea to make a chart for the weight of all the different sizes. I will look into this and post something for you.

    The D24 is about 1.25 lbs.



    So you would say that its helped with girth and length   They don’t tell you that prostate surgery will cause loss of length , besides other side effects and I am hoping to restore what was lost prior to agreeing to a implant device . How long would you say it took to make these gains Tekcon.



    I originally ordered a size too small (my first stealth product) and went all in with premium sleeves and corkscrew, so I ended up having to get a larger inner wear shortly there after, but was still able to use the smaller corkscrew size.

    I wear my innerwear and corkscrew anywhere from 8-12 hours a day, 7 days a week (with the occational day off every now and then). I got my corkscrew at the very beginning of February this year. Took me about a month of trial-and-error to figure out how to wear it comfortably (avoid circulation strangulation at the glands, skin burn, etc.).

    I measured my bone-pressed stretched length (no to be confused with the length measuring for a steath innerwear) and my max stretch was around 7.25″ – 7.5″ depending on how loose my ligaments are at the beginning of the year. Now I’m able to get a good 8.0″ stretch. That’s about 2 months of consistent use.

    I hope to get a month or so more in using the current corkscrew size until I need to order my next size so I can press on into 8.25″ stretched length territory.  I figure the E26 corkscrew will carry me into next year.

    Of course everyone is different and mileage may vary.

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