Reply To: Your Favorite Underwear

Home Forums Casual Talk Your Favorite Underwear Reply To: Your Favorite Underwear



I love underwear and have a vast collection – I love mixing it up with different styles and textures

Styles: Thongs, Jocks, Briefs, Trunks, Boxer Briefs, Boxer Shorts

Textures: satin, velour, mesh, corduroy, ribbed, cotton

I probably rotate the most between Briefs and Boxer Shorts – I love satin boxers

Favorite brands are 2(X)ist and C-IN2

Favorite collections from 2(X)ist are Mood, Sliq, Velour, Pinstripe (and checkout their swim briefs too)

Favorite collections from C-IN2 are Caution, Hand me down, super bright, throwback, undertone – and many that aren’t available anymore.  Back in the day they used to sell briefs and trunks with built in strap to boost your profile

Satin boxers are sourced randomly online

I custom order satin thongs on eBay too

I also have some from Pump and PSD and probably many more brands


Stealth goes with all, enjoy the bulge! 🙂

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