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Stealth Man

Yes, we are looking at the $300 range.

This will include three closely sized Chambers, Vac-Seals, and Glans Caps for each of the 12 different kit available. The difference between each size is approximately 2-3 mm depending at which end of the size spectrum. This is the equivalent of 5/64″  to 1/8″ difference between each size with the same ratio for chamber depth and related components.

This provides the ability to precisely size the fit for any level of engorgement for a given session one day to the next. For example, ADS (all day stretching) is fitted with a smaller size chamber with the larger size for the fully engorged glans or future size gains.

You also have other factors such as various taping methods, with or without the glans cap which have a significant impact on the chamber size selection.

In all, the user manual has 4 suggested “methods” that work well in our experience with the possibility for new and unique variations that users will inevitably implement as adaptations of their own.

Obviously, there is no “one and only” method, level of engorgement and subsequent size selection that can be claimed as the best. For example, as you already know, measuring for size selection is subject to variables. Therefore, having multiple sizes in short sequence optimize this aspect of getting the right fit from the get go.

This is a professional system that represents the highest quality in every respect from superior system and design with advanced features, quality components, a comprehensive User Manual with beginner Routine Template/LogBook. Everything comes in a durable carry case with foam insert for safe packing and storage of the components.

For your reference, here is a sample page from the User’s Manual..


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