Pumping while wearing the underwear?

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    There are guys who use silicone sleeves to help promote length gains, so could you use the extension sleeve version of the inner wear to serve the same purpose?


    Stealth Man

    Yes.. the Extension Sleeve and the regular inner wear with base band as well are designed to help promote length gains. The difference here being the 100% cotton fibre sheath still allows the skin to breathe naturally whereas the silicone sleeves do not.



    Let me clarify. I mean wearing it while pumping.


    Stealth Man


    The method of pumping for length requires the penis to make contact with the walls of the cylinder thereby shifting the vacuum to the space above the glans to create a more powerful “pull”.  The sleeve basically adds girth to the shaft of the penis so that it can make contact with the walls of an otherwise slightly wide cylinder.

    The fabric sheath may be very well suited to air pumping and add some particular qualities to the session whereas water pumping would probably be bettered served by using the silicone sleeve. However this would need to be tested to know which is more effective or at least preferred in either case.

    Do let us know if you get a chance to test and find out!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Stealth Man.


    Hey guys,

    I’ve tried the fabric sleeves and skins when trying to air pump, and due to them being porous, they won’t allow it to work. I’m guessing that the silicone sleeves will help both air and water pumping (especially if going for length, as mentioned by Stealth Man) far more than any fabric sleeve will. Silicone allows a seal to be created, while fabric doesn’t, so there’s the primary reason that the fabric sleeves won’t work for this. I suppose one could try to soak the sleeve in lube (to close all the pores,) and try it that way. I haven’t tried it, yet, but I might. I’ll let you guys know the results of the experiment, if I do.

    My best guess is that, if air pumping, the lube will get sucked out of the sleeve, and cause the seal to fail. If tried with water, it will behave the same either way (wet or dry, as the water will wet the sleeve, whether you use lube or not, but I’m not sure if that will maintain a seal, or cause air to leak in.) Of course, this is assuming that the sleeve crosses the boundary between the pump’s ring. If not, it may work more or less as intended. Just remember not to overpump.

    Happy  Stealthing 🙂


    Stealth Man

    Yeah I would just consider the silicone sleeves as the way to go.



    How is the sleeve properly worn for pumping

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