Mag-Volt in Infrared sauna?

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    As my title suggests, can the magvolt be worn in an infrared sauna, I like to finish my work outs with the sauna and need to know if I should take it off.




    Stealth Man

    I don’t see any problem as exposure to this level of energy is well within  standards of health and safety. I would think that the therapeutic benefits of the infrared sauna and the electromagnetic potential of the Mag-Volt would compliment each other. You could experiment and see what you think and let us know. Or play it safe and not wear the Mag-Volt when in the sauna. I tend to take the “try it and see what happens” approach.



    Just follow up on this, pretty much a week later the mag volt broke, the little magnet came off, tried gluing it… doesnt work… pretty badly made I think.



    Stealth Man

    That is a very simple fix mate.

    For the production units, we now use a silicone tube with a smaller inside diameter for a more secure grip and specialized silicone glue to ensure that the tube remains bonded to the nipple.

    Send a message to the support email and we will get you all sorted out with a complete resize kit that includes the new tube and silicone glue with a couple of spare O-rings and silicone pad to dampen the contact of the clasping magnets.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Stealth Man.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Stealth Man.
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