Is this adjustment or a problem?

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    I just got my stealth and corkscrew yesterday. Wearing the stealth makes my glans feel cold. I find if I get a little arroused the feeling goes away as blood comes in but it comes back shortly after. No discoloration or at least very little. The corkscrew however cause more discomfort and does turn the glans blue/purple. Is the silicone ring to small or do I just need to adjust to wearing it?



    If it gets cold and you feel like it’s doing harm, take it off. It’s possible that you might have gotten a size too small. Keep in mind that it will take time to get used to the Stealth, and especially the Corkscrew. Take it slow and steady, and try to understand how your genitals respond by trying different things for different lengths of time. I generally wear the innerwear with a spandex sleeve over it, and maybe a Sabre Skin. But, with that said, I’ve been using Stealth for a few years now, and my genitals have had a chance to get used to it.

    Additionally, with the corkscrew, don’t start with it being tight, just put it on tight enough that it stays on when you’re sitting. Also, spread the pressure along your whole penis, not just behind the head of your glans. You’ll adjust to it more quickly, and it won’t slip off as easily. (That said, this also depends a great deal on the shape of your penis, whether it is tapered, and in what direction, etc.)

    Be careful, and happy Stealthing 🙂

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by UmbralDragon. Reason: Typos suck donkey wang

    Stealth Man

    UD’s comments are accurate. I would add that the glans will sometimes feel cool to the touch naturally and wearing the Innerwear (even when properly sized) will have a more frequent cooling effect, which comes and goes, however, it is nothing to be overly concerned about beyond a few jelqs to engorge the glans whenever you have the chance.

    Again as UD mentions, you need time to experiment to find your optimum set-up and also to condition the penis to wearing the devices over time for longer periods.

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