Community on G+

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    I hope the crew here at Stealth doesn’t mind, but I went ahead and created a private Community on Google+ for “Stealth For Men”. I figured it might be a good way for all of us to share our experiences with Stealth, and other subjects.

    I’m not trying to take people here from the forums, as I’m hoping we’ll all use both to keep up with things. But I figured having the G+ option might help to encourage people sharing what they’ve learned about using Stealth, both along, and with other things.

    Anyway, if the crew here don’t want to have a community on G+, or want to be in control of it, I’ll understand. All I ask is that you take a look first, then let me know one way or the other. πŸ™‚

    Happy Stealthing, everyone πŸ™‚



    Hmm, seems I can’t edit the previous entry, so here’s some additional info that I forgot to add in the last one:

    The community is set to private, so that people don’t randomly run into it. It’s searchable, so if you want to join, just search for “Stealth For Men” and ask to join.

    Happy Stealthing πŸ™‚



    Hey guys, by the way, please let me know here if you want to join the G+ Community, that way I know that it’s one of us, and not some random person who may not know what they’re asking for.

    Thanks πŸ™‚

    Happy Stealthing


    Stealth Man

    Hey UmbralDragon,

    thanks for taking the initiative on creating the G+ community.

    It is a bit slow around here as were are still on limited beta testing of the forums at this point. We will not be actively making it available until we release the vac hanger and sleeves. At which point things will become a bit more dynamic around here.




    Heya Stealth Man,

    I’m glad you guys are okay with it. Let me know if you want to join the community, and I’ll make it happen. Also, I’d be very interested in beta testing anything you guys have coming out. I’m also very curious about the mechanics of the vac hanger. (I’m a geek, and interested in how everything works.)

    Anyhoo, I’ve gotten a few bites on the G+ community, but so far I’m the only one providing any info. Hopefully, that will change over time.

    I hope things are going well for you πŸ™‚

    Happy Stealthing πŸ™‚


    Here’s a link to the G+ community, if you or others are interested:

    Stealth For Men



    Hey guys, just so you all know, I’ve gone ahead and deleted the community on G+, as even when people join, there’s no interaction. If there’s any actual interest shown here in creating a new one, let me know.

    Happy Stealthing πŸ™‚


    Stealth Man

    thanks for the effort UD… sorry it didn’t work out. Once we go live here things will become more active as well. We are still idling along as beta forums for now.



    Thank you for the effort, UDragon. I missed out, but glad that we still have this as a fallback. I’m catching up on new products info that I’ve missed out on.

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