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Stealth Man

The medications lower the baseline threshold of performance but, as you mention, the mind can kill it almost instantly with a specific thought that causes a particular emotional reaction and boom… your in no man’s land.

Then the mind will start to build a “complex” around performance and so many men suffer the consequences of digging such a deep mental hole.

I would image most guys have gone through this phase for one reason or another at some point in life by the age of 50.

And then you see the point and it dissipates before simply getting over the phase.

Medication can be weaned away with regular exercise and proper diet.

A disciplined life is a well lived life… whereas, the sedentary lifestyle is a silent killer in that sense.

It is mostly a matter of making a firm commitment and within 3 weeks you have enough momentum that you actually want to keep working out and eating well becomes easier too on the basis of a consistent exercise routine.

Keep at it!

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