Reply To: Stealth and PE

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Stealth Man

The first thing to be clear on is the amount of time and energy you are willing to commit to on your PE journey.

The Innerwear, as a 24/7 passive extender, is the best starting point as it requires little to no dedication with no discomfort or inconvenience to speak of.

The next level would and should include some basic jelqing to engorge the penis with fresh blood to its capacity. Done properly there will also be some manual stretching applied at different angles which is good for overall penis health and erection quality in general.

Beyond this, you could consider the Corkscrew for more active of 2-8 hours depending on your experience and level of tissue conditioning.

This is a good foundation for any PE routine which could be more or less specific with respect to scheduling, again, depending on the time and energy you want to commit.

Beyond this, pumping and/or hanging would be a good avenue to explore in pursuit of more advanced training techniques to maximize growth potential.

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