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Stealth Man

We have learned that some of the magnets from the first batch burnt during manufacture. You can see the black charring where the copper has separated in the attached picture. Although not all the pieces were defective, we returned the entire batch for replacement to make sure no more were remaining in our stock.

We will replace your Mag-Volt at no cost. Send us a note on the support email [email protected] so we can access your purchase history.

Regarding the lack of sensations, this would be in the form of subtle feedback you may or may not feel. The measurable current averages about .75 volts +- .15 for the highest reading of .9 volts for relatively weak current. However, the magnets are strong, so it depends on the sensitivity of the individual.

I felt a clear difference in the first two days of wearing which manifested as powerful erections in the morning with a larger scrotal volume perceived as a considerably tighter fit of the Mag-Volt. For this reason, we recommend testing the size for a few days before cutting the silicone tube shorter for a tighter fit as it will fluctuate.

The other noticeable difference was a considerably larger flaccid those first few days and slowly diminished over the rest of the week. I continue to wear the device, but the described effects have since subsided.



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