Reply To: Turtling and measurements

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There are leather balls-stretchers made to fit every scrotum.  If not yours, then my source can custom make one to your specific needs. Leave him a message on his site and he will get back to you.  He’s very nice and goes out od his way to satisfy his customers, in my experience.  I’d recommend you go to the site bluecollarfetishwear and see their different styles of leather stretchers. You might want to try a 1″ cuff first, if you carry your balls high & tightly to your shaft, Christopher.  There’s also a starter set of 3 stretchers on the site that offers graduated widths you can use as your scrotum & testicles hang lower over time.

Wayne custom makes mine with a balls divider strap that offers me extra support for sports, since I have larger heavier balls than most guys.  It feels GREAT, and supports me well!

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