Sabre skin guide

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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I’m awaiting the arrival of my sabre skin and have been reading a fair bit about putting it on. Is it pretty easy? I’m tentative about cutting it in case I cut too much off. So how short should I cut it? Any tips greatly appreciated. I’ve seen the bottle video guide but there isn’t an actual cock demo is there? Thanks guys</p>


    Stealth Man

    You can cut the Sabre Skin to length with a large pair of sharp scissors in a single snip to maintain a nice smooth edge on the cut end.

    You can make it the same length as the sleeve portion of the regular Innerwear with ball band or the full length of the strapless sleeve only Innerwear.

    You can also experiment wearing it on it’s own directly on the shaft for a different experience. Lately, I have been wearing a Retainer Band over the tapered edge when positioned behind the coronal ridge of the glans for some extra compression.

    I will also wear the Sabre Skin in two separate layers for better length x girth. I also like to wear a slightly shorter length for a more relaxed true anti-turtle device to good effect.

    When I get a chance I will re-make the video with a live model.



    Thanks for your reply. When you say two separate layers, do you mean literally wearing one on top of the other? So cut 2x ? The plan is to wear it directly on to the shaft so I’ll try with the retainer band


    Stealth Man

    Yes, two separate lengths of Sabre Skin one sleeve layered on top of the other. I like to wear the Ball Straps as well to complete the component assembly.

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