Reply To: Product suggestion / request

Home Forums Stealth Products Product suggestion / request Reply To: Product suggestion / request


Stealth Man

yes, I have seen this device before and cornered how practical it could be… if at all. And as you mention… the price for what you get… ouch.

If you are looking for ease of use with mild extension I would experiment with the Premium Sleeves. I wrap it around a Retainer Band a few time and use that to hemp secure behind the glans to good effect. I never have to remove it and it never slips past the glans.

I also use the Sabre Skin on its own with a Retainer Band on top behind the glans to good effect. Supreme comfort and reliability.

Experimentation is key.

I have a demo video of the premium sleeve retainer band set up so if you wanted to see that you could send me a message at the support email and I can send you the link.

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